Sue's Blog

Friday, September 07, 2007

Giving away that last lonely fish...

That's the title of a column today in the Chronicle Herald - Nova Scotia.

The story is a continuation of the concerns expressed by Bob Applebaum and Gus Etchegary over potential changes to NAFO.

This piece is worth reading if we care at all about our fishery. Something which our provincial politicians are not "con"vincing me they are.

Here's a couple of paragraphs from the column by Jim Meek:

Ottawa, in short, has severely weakened its ability to manage and conserve trans-boundary stocks in the area of the Grand Banks. It is cold comfort that there are so few fish left to protect in what were once the best fishing grounds on the planet.

And it’s colder comfort that this is the federal government that came to power promising to extend Canada’s "custodial management" of fish stocks beyond the 200-mile zone.
As for Loyola Hearn - what should we expect?


Anonymous said...

"Yes, you heard me right. The NAFO agreement was so badly drafted that the Europeans could cross the line into Canada’s waters and impose their own punishing brand of fisheries management in our sovereign waters.

And remember that this is all taking place inside NAFO – the 12-nation organization that’s supposed to protect fish stocks that "straddle" the border between Canadian waters and the high seas.

How did all this happen?"

Can you believe that Sue.Whatever we do in the future,regardless of what Provincal Politcal Party comes to power,we must have joint management of the fishery .

If this is too become an issuse with confederation then so be it.Ottawa has shown that with 58 years of rule that they do not care,will not care,and are practically saying to Newfoundlanders and Labradorians that their rights as canadain citizens do not matter.

No wonder so many Newfoundlanders and Labradorians feel that they have joined a crowd of snizzlling cowards .Betrayed yet again by ottawa,the great satan.

This Sue ,is a fine excample of genocide .Plain and simple there is nothing else you can call it.My God what have we done to our great Province,giving this great treasure away to Canada to control.Its as plain as the nose on your face that they have no idiea what they are dealing with here.THEY ARE AS IGNORANT AS A BUNCH OF DRUNK SAILORS.

And ,Sue,thats being as polite as I can be.May God forgive us for what we have done to the earth ,because ,its not thier fault as canadains,its ours as Newfoundladners and Labradorians that have allowed Ottawa to do this to our birth right .

Shame on us for allowing this to happen.

Anonymous said...

Whatever we do in the future,regardless of what Provincal Politcal Party comes to power,we must have joint management of the fishery .

If we "must" have it, why has Danny Williams, the Great Nationalist, backed away from it?