Sue's Blog

Friday, September 21, 2007

Fix This!

While your sniffing perfume - changing underwear - hanging paintings - scratching your lotto tickets - having a puff or a swallow - or making excuses for your spending habits - find a way to fix this!

(numbers are rounded to the nearest 100)


Total Population 575,000...............................509,700

Years of Age




60 +......72,500................................98,500

Add to that the estimate of population for 2007 is 506,500

Primary and secondary education costs record level - with 83,800 less students (0-19)
Health costs at record level - with 70,000 less people

People to have the $1000 babies are down 63,300 since 1988 (20-39)

The next generation following to have $1000 babies down 83,800 since 1988 (0-19)

The people who are generally in the middle to late career age up 54,700 since 1988 - and the ones leaving now to find work or joining their adult sons and daughters who have left after graduation.

People who are at the beginning to middle career years down 63,300 since 1988.

60+ up 26,000 people - including retirees who without pension indexing are continuing to have their disposable income deteriorate - and their quality of life diminished.

The fishery was destroyed by Ottawa's mismanagement - yet nothing is done. And now we want to turn our superior hydro energy over to Ontario - the Maritimes - Quebec - or even the New England States. They do not need more industry and their populations are growing.

Now let me make your day!

Here is a headline from today's Globe and Mail online:

Thirty-somethings drive 2005 birth rate to seven-year high...

and this paragraph from the story:

The number of births dropped to a 55-year low in 2000 but, except 2002, has risen every year since — largely because most babies were born to parents belonging to the echo generation (the children of baby boomers) had entered their prime childbearing years as of 2001.

Unfortunately for Newfoundland and Labrador - the thirty-somethings have left or are leaving and the generation following is diminishing to record lows. The price of oil can go to $100 bucks a barrel - and the only thing that will do is stave off our extinction - unless we start doing other things right.

I'll need that other glass of wine now Mr. Dicks.


WJM said...

What is "superior" about "our" hydro energy?

And who is the "us" that govern the possessive adjective "our"?

Anonymous said...

I hope danny gives the 1000 bucks to everyone whos had children so far this year...we just had one last month and it would be a nice little push to get things we need...or to stock up on bigger diapers...espically working for slave wages at walmart