Sue's Blog

Saturday, July 14, 2007

NO we Can't - If only we were Quebec - Ontario - Iceland - Norway - or even South Africa...

Uninspired is my word of the month. A tray full of tired politicians or rookies on Danny's side frightened to death to think or if not - frightened to death to express what those thoughts are. Grown men and women who will need physiotherapists to deal with the constant nodding of heads.

Have you watched the House of Assembly channel? Tom Rideout - Dunderdale - Marshall (T) - or Williams is talking while this bunch of heads nods in the back row. Some of them while they are writing or reading something at their desks. They look like school children (primary) feigning interest in what otherwise they are disinterested in or don't understand.

Then as Reid or Parsons are talking the Liberals in the back row are busily looking down - tired - disinterested.

In this province we have some real issues to deal with - and those issues continue to fester with only a blast of light here and there as an MHA or Minister notice the media in the gallery.

Essentially we are missing functioning active brainwaves - shaken to the core as tens of thousands of our people leave.

Here's the deal:

The federal government is constitutionally responsible to manage the fishery. They didn't and our people are suffering. Our communities are dying and youth are packing their bags to head west. What can we do about it? Nothing - for we are Newfoundland and Labrador. If we were only Quebec - Ontario - or even Alberta - we could find a solution and hold the feds responsible. We would take it out of their hides.

We are responsible for our hydro-electric potential - and despite the fact that any other jurisdiction on the planet can attract industry with it - we can't we are Newfoundland and Labrador. If only we were Quebec - or BC - or even Ontario we could do it then. If we were only Iceland - or - Norway - or even South Africa we could do it.

We should have equity in our non-renewables such as oil gas and minerals - but we are Newfoundland and Labrador so we can't. If we were Venezuela - Quebec - Saudi Arabia - or Iceland - or even Norway we could.

As a people we deserve to know what our politicians think our future holds. We should know if they believe that Newfoundland and more importantly Labrador will need energy in the future. For if they believe we do not - we are going to disappear. But no - Danny will sign whatever deals he wants - including one on the Lower Churchill. Where is the energy plan? If we were only Quebec - Ontario - Rhode Island - Maine - Vermont - or even Iceland we would demand to know - but we are only Newfoundland and Labrador.

Maybe it's time for our own truth and reconciliation commission to deal with everything from the HOA spending scandal to the fibre-optic debacle. Then maybe as with South Africa we can move forward. But we are only Newfoundland and Labrador and we deserve to know very little - nothing if possible.

Ross Wiseman is running around like the former head of FEMA in the States after a hurricane devastated New Orleans. Danny has faith in me - George has faith in me. They didn't tell me anything - The mayor did not tell me what the city needed. Hey Ross - your job was to stay on top of - all over - the medical mess we find ourselves in. You know where peoples lives depend on it. But we are only Newfoundland and Labrador - so the Minister rides on.

Must be time for another trip to Ireland or Iceland to see what they are doing right there. Sure how many times does it take to learn - they are nations - they are independent - they believe in themselves - and they demand answers from their politicians.

I am watching and reading the news. What do you see? Where is the probe? What happened to Leanne Montgomery and her take on whether the new "Lobbyist" legislation was violated by officials with Persona? Where's Ed? What's happening with the $70,000 dollars Percy Barrett did not question? Where's Wally? Where's the art and wine? Who is buying or bought elections? Where is FPI? Will Iceland and Nova Scotia essentially control the bulk of the fishery and will the rest be held by Bill Barry and Ches Penney? Where's the energy plan? Where are the contracts signed for wind generation? Hey Mr. You can drive a mac-truck through it Williams - what contracts have you gotten us into without debate in the legislature?

Where's Loyola Hearn and Norm Doyle and Fabio the great? Where have all their flowers gone? But hang on now - they can be replaced by who??? John Efford???

We are only Newfoundland and Labrador - so no we can't. I have never seen such uninspired - tired - useless - and sometimes corrupt politicians in my life. Hey Judge Greene have you got a remedy for all of this? Because our legislature apparently needs to be told how to make rules for themselves while they putter and sneak around making rules for us.


Anonymous said...

Right On Sue!

Are we too stunned to get out of our own way? Since that is how it appears!

Anonymous said...

Sue, I agree. So why is there not a party in place to promote Newfoundland independence? I have not heard one major public figure, other than yourself, to come out and say we must be a nation again.

Sue Kelland-Dyer said...

I would imagine they have been told that we can't be independent therefore they fear ridicule if they say it.
Canadians and some Newfoundlanders and Labradorians have preached fear of it claiming there would be a loss of the check from Ottawa.
Education - questions - and belief in ourselves should cure that shortly.

Anonymous said...

Its about time .Something must be Done .Danny cannot continue to hide the fact that this is what more and more and more,of us are seeing.Its time to get some kind of party going that has to address the issuse.

Does anyone think that the NLFirst would go that route if things do not get better ,one has only to wonder.