The airwaves have gone silent - not a Liberal in sight.
Getting some good old political spin advice - don't call the open line programs - then you won't have to answer questions.
Yes readers - the Liberals took the money too - yet they do not want to offer any reason or excuse for their behavior.
Put in context - the majority of the money being spent now to clean up the mess - has to be attributable to the Liberal leadership of the past - Specifically under Brian Tobin.
On constituency overspending 3 of the 5 are Liberal 1 of 5 is NDP 1 of 5 is PC.
These are the serious and costly events which the RNC is tied up investigating - the Chief Justice is tied up sorting new rules and guidelines for - and the Auditor General with ??#'s of additional staff to meet the requirements of the workload.
The House of Assembly budget is minimal when compared to other Departments - yet the amount of human and fiscal resources being tied up to monitor it are relatively astronomical.
So where are the Liberals and the NDP with open and public suggestions on how to correct the whole mess?
They are all waiting for a Chief Justice to tell them what to do with themselves. They have overspent - double billed - and questionably spent millions of dollars - so these MHA's are perfect representatives in the House of Assembly to pass and amend the laws of our land?
Why not the people of the province take a stand - do a list...
We are all sitting and waiting for people to tell us if they are going to run again.
Here's a start...been around 10 years or more - sat through all the mess...
Wally Anderson - elected in 1996
Percy Barrett - elected 1989
Jack Byrne - elected 1993
Roger Fitzgerald - elected 1993
Judy Foote - elected 1996
Harvey Hodder - elected 1993
Yvonne Jones - elected 1996
Eddie Joyce - elected 1989
Tom Osbourne - elected 1996
Sheila Osbourne - elected 1997
John Ottenheimer - elected 1996
Gerry Reid - elected 1996
Tom Rideout - elected 1975
Anna Thistle - elected 1996
There are a couple of others who have indicated they are not running again.
As a people can we commit to saying that 10 years or more is enough to get things right - enough to know what is going on around you - enough not to allow these types of things to happen.
You can change whatever rules and laws you want - there must be noticeable consequences to the mess we find ourselves in today. The best message to send to politicians or those who want to be is - this will not be tolerated.
Each of these people should not be re-elected to office - get some new blood in there. Send a message that only the people can send. Do it or watch it happen and you will be gone from public office.
Is it a polling period?
Perception is everything! It is time to get a whole new slate of politicians to replace those who have been on the take for far too long.
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