All we need to read is today's Telegram and the story headlined "Behind Closed Doors". That tells us what politicians our money buys under their own rules...
Think People - it is time to clean House - and it is time for a Public Inquiry!
When listening to the radio, watching television or reading the newspapers about events in this province, there seems to be a missing link. One that bridges all that information together and provides a way for people to contribute, express or lobby their concerns in their own time. After-all, this is our home and everyone cannot fit in Lukie's boat and paddle their way to Upper Canada, nor should we!
What a sordid story the Telegram has on its front page today and a great big Thank You to Rob Antle for being the author who brought the unpleasant details to us.
According to the article, back in 1991 when a newspaper article dared to raise questions about the constituency allowance spending by Newfoundland and Labrador MHAs on spending on such items such as snowmobile suits, sweatsuits and running shoes - and the secrecy shrouding the system, the members of the Internal Economy Commission were so unhappy with the newspaper reporter in question, that the IEC considered compelling the newspaper reporter in question to appear before the bar of the House for questioning.
Again according to the article reporters were apparently asking questions back to 1991 but they weren't getting answers, since the system was set up to keep it that way. The politicians who made the rules apparently would also enforce them effectively with zero oversight.
As the years passed, MHAs quietly slid beneficial rule changes throught the legislature. They ultimately passed a law allowing themselves carte blanche to bump benefits as they pleased, without even having to go to the House.
They unanimously passed legislation taking the oversight of the comptroller general our of the claims process. And according to the Telegram article that same law change now infamously allowed the IEC to keep the prying eyes of the auditor general out of the books of the House.
Good Grief Sue, and I will make this assumption on the basis of the Telegram article, these MHAs were so busy securing our tax dollars for them, it is little wonder that we aren't in the mess we are in, with our resources not working for us or not having our fair share of Federal jobs in this province, and all the other perks that the other provinces' MHAs have been able to secure for their electorate. Nobody was working or lobbying on our behalf. The MHAs of this province were apparently too busy keeping things running for them, they didn't have time to attend to the running of the government properly for the electorate who elected them. There is no question why we haven't gotten ahead in this province with buoyant economies, these MHAs were too busy securing the public purse contents for themselves and keeping a lid on their activities. I am disgusted.
Today history was made, but not the kind we are proud to see going into the annals. In view of the more enlightened age in which we now live, never before has such a shameful episode in the political life of our nation been so nakedly exposed. As was pointed out in the Telegram editorial accompanying Rob Antle's damning exposition, "Behind Closed Doors", this is a must read for every Newfoundlander considering voting in the next election.
In the context of the years of predatory scheming that culminated in the mess now before us , it is pathetic listening to some of the culprits attempt to vindicate their actions be claiming to be merely following the rules. True, but the rules were of their own making: the end product of shady IEC legislation to which they, allegedly, gave unanimous consent. In the case of the most recent instance of the doling out of largesse from the public treasury, the fact that it was so cloaked in secrecy was sufficient evidence , except to the most dim-witted, to indicate that this was wrong.
There is no remedy for such abuse of power and trust except a complete cleansing of the House. It makes no difference that some of the incumbents may not be guilty by intent; all are guilty by association. The honourable thing, in my opinion ,would be for all were in any way associated with the old order to resign, leaving the way open for a new crew to take command. Anything less than that and we will have failed as an electorate.
What's really sad about all this - is what party wants new faces who are appalled at the actions of the party they would like to run for.
Surely the parties are seeking the weak and those who will not press for the truth too much. They still run the parties you know.
This type of avoidance - will only start the miserable process again.
Who actually owns the Telegram? Transcontinental media a Quebec company. Quebec wants Roger grimes or Gerry Reid back in there so that the status Quo of give aways can be continued.
With the by election coming up in Lab west expect more scandal to be on the open lines and in the papers to try and make a mountain out of a mole hill once again.
Lemmings to upper canadian media and self centered open line tabloid talk show hosts.
You must not have read the same column I did - the column is more damning to the Liberals. There were more of them elected in the time frame and more of them on the IEC over the time frame.
As for Lab West the best message to send is a vote for the Labrador Party getting rid of all the old parties..thereby sending them all a message.
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