Sue's Blog

Friday, January 26, 2007

Why are we last in the Council of the Atlantic Premiers?

The Council of the Atlantic Premiers - established in 2000 under Brian Tobin for Newfoundland and Labrador - has a mandate to promote the interests of the Atlantic Region.

I have some grave concerns that this institution like most other Canadian entities puts Newfoundland and Labrador at the back of the line.

Firstly the Council has an office with 14 full-time employees - it is located in Halifax.

There are many associated organizations involved in some way or another with the Council and it is more than passing strange that all of them are located everywhere but Newfoundland and Labrador.

Atlantic Canada Online:

Location -
P.O. Box 204
Halifax, NS
B3J 2M4

Atlantic Lottery Corporation

Head Office Location -
Atlantic Lottery Corporation
PO Box 5500
922 Main
Moncton, N.B. E1C 8W6

Atlantic Police Academy

Location -
Prince Edward Island

Atlantic Veterinary College

Location -
Prince Edward Island

Maritime Provinces Higher Education Commission

Location -
Fredricton New Brunswick

The Independent Organizations Listed on the Council of the Atlantic Premiers website are:

ACOA Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency

Head Office Location -
Moncton New Brunswick

Atlantic Provinces Chambers of Commerce

Location -
Moncton New Brunswick

Atlantic Provinces Economic Council

Location -
Halifax Nova Scotia

Atlantic Provinces Special Education Authority

Location - Head Office
Halifax Nova Scotia

Atlantic Provinces Trucking Association

Location -
Dieppe New Brunswick

So Newfoundland and Labrador is where in this equation?


Anonymous said...

There is a move afoot to create combine the 4 Atlantic Provinces into 1 with New Brunswick taking the lead. In areas of education and healthcare there have been some interesting activity over the last few years, quietly undermining NL's position and business while protecting and expanding services from NS & NB...all seemingly with Premier Williams knowledge. This may take 5-15 years but it is coming!

Sue Kelland-Dyer said...

Yes - this super Atlantica would be a real gain for us no doubt - NB NS and PEI would all like to partake in the sucking of our resources as their friends in Ontario and Quebec have been doing for years.

Anonymous said...

All CAP-related organizations are not located in Newfoundland joined what was the Council of Maritime Premiers (which still exists) very late in the day -- in Wells' time as premier.

Sue Kelland-Dyer said...

Actually Brian Tobin's name is on the agreement to form the Council of the Atlantic Premiers - having said that the Coucil of the Maritime Premiers did exist as you said - before and still exists - that does not excuse no presence and does not justify the CAP offices not for instance being located here.
The fact that we have none of the head offices of the associated organizations or the independent organizations located here - is typical Canada and typical us...