Sue's Blog

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Congrats to Dion Supporters - Still no Hope for our Province

Still no way for Newfoundland and Labrador to gain ground...

Today I owe a congratulations to Ed Hollett - Dion won the convention and I'm glad he did.
I will still watch Dion carefully as it comes to our hydropower resources because he can't help but want to ship it to or through Quebec - however of the candidates able to win - Dion was the right choice.

It was actually heartwarming to see John Rae - Chretien - Tobin - and of course Desmarais in the backrooms crashing on the floor trying to maintain their power base through Bob Rae. The "boys" are funny when they're losing. Having Gerard Kennedy spoil the Power Corp's Power Corridor was almost exciting. I hope Dion did not capitulate in the end as the "boys" began their infiltration almost immediately after Kennedy went to Dion.

Now that Harper and Hearn have been given the test run - the verdict is in - the Reformers have taken over the Progressives and they will have to be booted out to re-shape themselves again. It's going to take a PC with guts to get rid of this arrogance and conservative extreme attitude deeply entrenched in the new party mix - and currently I don't see one.

It is clear that Hearn and MacKay have no real say in Harper's agenda - but then again neither do the people. Harper had a chance to equalize the confederation but chose instead the Quebec bottom line - even if it meant ditching his buddies on the Income Trusts.

The Conservatives will lose the next election but another minority we will have. The Liberals have effectively taken hold of the green picture -and most people believe fiscal objectives will be met - however what they pick up from the Greens and NDP will probably be lost in the west where green means money from oil - not the reduction in its use.

Quebec is still hard to call - and Quebeckers have not tipped their hat yet. As much as Dion will have probs with the nationalists he will get support from the English and French speaking population interested in remaining in the confederation. Harper may be hard pressed as the Bloq is going to pull out all the stops and trash the equalization amendments -unless they give everything to Quebec - which in turn will not be tolerated by the rest of Canada - Ontario - BC - Alberta - and Newfoundland and Labrador.

Ontario has a friend in Gerard Kennedy and this should help build that province for Dion - the West will be weak in its support other than some significant payback to Harper from BC.

The convention failed to reform the party from the delegate booze-fest to a one member - one vote system - and also failed to reach out to women - as once again the female contender was given a sound rejection. Even the Tories have had a female leader - the NDP had quite a good one. These two points coupled with the media displaying the delegates disinterest in some policy and constitutional matters will give the NDP a platform.

The Conservatives are dead in the water with foreign and environmental policies in most of Canada - and are getting an F in social policy as they cut and hack without reason and fail to provide better alternatives.

Harper had his opportunity to show he was not a zealot and would not lose all principles of accountability for political gain but has failed to do both. He's an unmoving republican with an arrogance toward the media and the people that the Americans can't touch. This also demonstrates that Stephen is being managed and his executive boardroom is filled to capacity with reformers and political sleaze.

It's okay though because the minority they have - opposite to the majority they act like they have - allows the people to kick the tires right back to the dealership for another model.

NDP focus will still be on the Liberals - as they have rightly figured out - they are the ones to chase down for the vote. The Hearn's and MacKay's have another restructuring to look forward to and I don't know if either of them have the stamina. The Conservatives have to go into retreat and attempt to find that "Progressive" part they lost in the Alberta pastures.

Harper should seriously look at some homeland in Texas - he can be everything there but the President. Perhaps if we put him on that side of the border - he would screw up the softwood lumber issue in our favour.

For Newfoundlanders and Labradorians it's not a matter of who's best for our Province - but who's the least dangerous - because the electoral imbalance will remain regardless of the election outcome as Stephen - Stephane - and Jack will all seek the approval of Central Canada.

And Danny Williams seems only too prepared to turn the liquid gold (hydropower) over to Ontario and Quebec so they may enhance their place in Canada.

1 comment:

NL-ExPatriate said...

Dion is only in there because the liberals haven't changed one bit. No lessons learned no new blood no new ideas only the status quo maintained by the Ex Officios.

It was the Ex Officios who put Dion above Kennedy after the first ballot. Me thinks the Ex officios and Dion were reading from the same page and Kennedy was sold down the river in favor of maintaining the status quo by the Ex officios in favor of Dion. Knowing full well Kennedy and Dion had a pact to bow out and support the other after the first ballot depending upon who was ahead.

If you look at who is still pulling the strings and whispering in the leaders ear it is quite obvious nothing has changed. Martin, Scott Reid. You can even hear it in the speeches being made by any and all Liberal candidates. I've never got so tired of hearing a word in my life until I started to listen to the Liberal leadership campaign. FUNDAMENTALLY

The Liberal party supports the KKK.
Kids (urban only)
Kyoto (Ontario and Quebecs manufaturing industry)
Kelowna (special interest groups, divide and conquer)

Absolutely no vision for nation building in there. Just maintain the status Quo.

The only chance the Liberals had of reform was Kennedy, Findlay, or Ignatief.The Cronies and Ex officios made sure that didn't happen by supporting Dion on the first ballot.

Business as usual for the Liberal party.

Then again it really doesn't matter because the canadian democratic system is systemically flawed so why bother voting for your masters of any stripe because the system is stacked against us and the system needs to change not the parties or get out.