Sue's Blog

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Danny cracks up over IOC request ...HQ gets power for 1/4 cent

but entertains Charest?

Okay so IOC wishes to renew a contract for power at about 1/2 cent Kwh - Danny does his usual song and dance about protecting and fighting for Newfoundland and Labrador.
So we can follow his desire to up the price a little - but he needs to talk about everything - not just his self-serving short memory.

IOC employs people in Labrador right?

How's his buddy Charest doing on this front?

Well Dan about the same time IOC comes due for a new power agreement - Hydro Quebec will pay about 1/5 th of a cent per Kwh - and they will get that until 2041.
Where's the same animated display of Balboaism over that situtation? No instead you sit and sip cocktails with your friend Jean Charest.

Let's see that's about $1.22 per barrel of oil - or when comparing with gas - .7 cents a litre - 3 cents a gallon.

Then they resell at minimum $30 a barrel!!!

Since 1976 Churchill Falls has exported the equivalent of all the oil from Hibernia and Terra Nova.

Do you think Danny you could fix this up a bit before you shake the hand of he who accepts this inequity with a wink. I'd be your friend too!

People ask yourself this question - if we owned the power from the Churchill now - do you think we could attract industry at 1/5 th of a cent per Kwh?

Then ask yourself - considering the volatility of oil prices now - can we get industry in Labrador?

You see a monkey can sell hydro-power to central Canada today - it takes a visionary leader to sell it at home in Labrador. If you want the power - come use it.


Anonymous said...

I am becoming very disillusioned with NL politicians. I can't believe they can't get things in order so as to do what is right for Newfoundland/Labrador. Why does everything have to be given away? It baffles me.

For once in our life as being Canadian, we thought we had a Premier who was going to stand up to Ottawa and the other provinces and give no more of our resources away, and now we aren't sure.

My God when are we going to feel secure that we are being governed by somebody who is going to do what is right for this province?

I hope Premier Williams will have an explanation for us in his Energy Plan which is supposedly coming up soon.

Sue Kelland-Dyer said...

I am not waiting for the Energy Plan - Danny is not - Kathy Dunderdale and Ed Martin back and forth to Ontario to export the power - and the Premier always talking about it and meeting with Charest.
By the time the Plan comes - it will be all over...