Sunday, September 10, 2006

VOCM and Telegram holding Loyola's hand.

VOCM's headline today is "Hearn has NAFO Shopping List".
They like the telegram did a cushy (easy on the Minister) story respecting the NAFO meetings in Nova Scotia.
Hearn says the EU agrees with the list and he hopes others will as well. Well isn't that sweet! Loyola has managed to make a "list" agreeable to the EU. First one must ask what specifically did the EU say they disagreed with last year or the year before?
The people in these nations have been on side with conservation for years - did that stop the overfishing?
As weak as the VOCM story is - it does not come close to the Public Relations piece crafted by Alisha Morrissey in the Saturday paper. First the headline reads "Hearn vows to turn up the heat". Okay Alisha what did Hearn vow to do before the last election? The answers are in the St. John's Board of Trade Q & A distributed to candidates.
Is this a document that has been removed from the media radar? This does not require much investigative journalism but it does present all of the story - which I suspect would have changed the headline dramatically. Suggestion might be "Hearn vows to turn up the heat again and again and again".
The list both VOCM and the Telegram stories says Mr. Hearn has - although we have not seen a copy of it - is apparently another secret Hearn wishes to protect. Morrissey says Hearn is being coy about it - for all the requests for info the Telegram has sought in the past, this might be a good one. Hearn is also protecting the "list" of license holders for the commercial fishery as well and if that is not enough he refuses hand over the deal reached with the anti-sealers to avoid battling it out in the courts.
Perhaps my favorite sentence in the Morrissey story is when she says, "Hearn has recently been critisized for softening his stance on NAFO'S 'toothlessness' ." First Alisha who has critisized Hearn? Second he did not soften his stance - he changed it, and he broke a particularly effective campaign promise. He lied. Are journalists prohibited from saying this? You can't be sued if it's the truth.
Then Hearn says he could be a hero in Newfoundland and Labrador if he sent out gun-ships to protect the nose and tail but that would not accomplish anything. Really Hearn and what's your governments position in the North? What's with the fighting in Afghanistan? I guess you have not talked to Iceland recently.
Mr. Hearn has the guts of a turnip - and sadly the people and media have less. Great democracy we live in! Next election Loyola - we will make it work for us - because apparently you won't.

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