Sue's Blog

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Loyola why are you breaking your promise to Newfoundland and Labrador

In light of the NAFO meetings taking place in Nova Scotia - let me remind all readers of Minister Hearn's commitment when he was looking for your vote.

Board of Trade questions and answers to federal candidates...

Now Mr. Hearn - now elected and the Minister responsible says that "anyone with a grain of sense knows you have to work within NAFO..."

Resign Minister Hearn - or is the pension top-up too good.


NL-ExPatriate said...

Simply amazing! And what makes it even more disgusting is the silence about this breach of trust and accountability in what was promised as opposed to what is being done.

Same thing could be said for Mr Harper.
Harper Pledges to defend fisheries.

"The Conservatives will also give the coastal provinces – particularly Newfoundland and Labrador – an increased role in the management of the fisheries. The Newfoundland and Labrador House of Assembly has requested greater involvement in the management of the fisheries around the province. This has been strongly supported by the province’s Conservative MPs.

Additional details of the Conservatives’ plan include investing more in fisheries science and research; establishing an independent judicial inquiry into the collapse of sockeye salmon stocks in the Fraser River in British Columbia; and extending the 200-mile limit to the edge of the Continental Shelf, the nose and tail of the Grand Banks, and the Flemish Cap in the North Atlantic, and exercising Canadian custodial management over this area.

A Conservative government will also reinstate local marine and aviation forecasting at the Gander Weather Centre.

“Canada needs a government for all Canadians from coast to coast,�? Harper said. “A government that gives you the action you want on your priorities.�?"

WJM said...

The Conservative platform was:

A Conservative government will adopt, with any interested coastal province or territory, a system of increased provincial management over fisheries

Catch that?

NL isn't interested. How do we know? Because Loyola has said so, and because Danny hasn't requested joint management.