Sue's Blog

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Time for the Opposition to step to the Plate and how about

Ed Byrne? Where is he on this and other matters. Yes the man is the subject of an investigation but he remains an MHA and a member of the Tory caucus. He can call in on matters of importance to the people - especially agriculture and energy. He was the Minister for the majority of time the Williams administration has been in office.
How does he feel about the MacDonald scandal?
I expect the Opposition leaders will step to the plate today and deal with this gross conflict of interest.
This is not a matter which can wait - other energy related companies will be outraged by this ( and rightly so). What can we expect next - Dean will sit on the Board of Fortis, or perhaps Ventus Wind? Why not Hydro Quebec or Ontario Hydro?
This must be dealt with now or we have turned the keys of Newfoundland and Labrador over to Danny and his business buddies.

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