A new week has begun and last night I had the pleasure of talking to a lifelong fisherman on the Great Northern Peninsula.
What a sad reflection coming from the saline mirror. You see he believes very few people give a damn - and mostly he's right. He dreams of a revolutionist for the seas bounty, an individual who can stir the bellies of jellyfish - to protect themselves from certain consumption.
The Liberals provide no Opposition as they tred water - either they will sink or swim; currently retiring to the bottom seems to be the preference. The Tories are following the province's "Great One" in and out the bay with no rudder - a bunch of confused caplin schooled for dinner by a whale waiting for Danny to go ashore for a break. Our leader has no sea legs and his interest in the fishery comes and goes like the tides of St. Mary's Bay. The gravol he takes for sea-sickness does not work so he trys various remedies - House, Rideout, O'Reilly, and Cashin, and the only one remotely working is the one he's used to "cash-in".
There is no appetite for seafood in Newfoundland and Labrador - there is no appetite for anything other than building statues of nickel and pools of oil in honour of the "Great One". You almost wonder if Danny is going to come down from White Hills with a rock tablet containing the 10 commandments for his people.
Should anyone question his motivation or his direction the apostles rally the crowd to rip limb by limb the unholy inquisator. If there are no fish; there is less leadership and it's starting to take its toll. Doug House continues to advise the current government as he has done in the past - he advises that no direction is necessary and those people who are leaving will no longer cause a fuss or protest to the destruction of Newfoundland and Labrador. The people are more concerned about the day-to-day condition of the pregnant Angela or the deported spouse, making-do in Mexico, than they are about Gloria - the fishplant worker forced to leave Harbour Breton, her home, her daughter, and her mother to seek employment in another province.
The gentleman on the Great Northern Peninsula is mourning and not a soul cares for his grief. He his hanging on to the submerged dory waiting for a passing ship. He hopes it will be a neighbour or a friend and not a foreign vessel who will take him away from his beloved island.
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