Sue's Blog

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Muskrat: Example of Dunderdale's "new" Communication

Beneficiaries of the Muskrat deal:
Emera shareholders
Industry Nova Scotia
People of Nova Scotia
Company owners - engineering, construction, project management
Losers of the Muskrat deal:
The people and next 4 generations of Newfoundlanders and Labradorians

So the Premier was on a tear yesterday, Muskrat Love - here and there - Muskrat Love everywhere. Kathy Dunderdale has officially done us in. This deal is the worst deal we could have made on such a resource. It not only is a giveaway - it is also a concrete block tied to the feet of our childrens' future.

The polls - the by-election loss - the loss of Jerome Kennedy - and of Tom Osborne - will not stop this Premier from burying us with this fiasco. Kathy Dunderdale said that her government needs to communicate better - so she has started.

So here we go:

Quotes by the Premier yesterday - thanks to the Telegram story

1. “This is a project with tremendous vision. Our province will be practically 100 per cent renewable, powered by clean, emissions free energy, and our electricity customers can bank on stable electricity rates,”

2. “We are shouldering our unshrinkable responsibility to leave no stone unturned, no resource untapped and to ground Newfoundland and Labrador’s future firmly and securely in the solid bedrock of sustainable and renewable prosperity.”

3. “When the greatest moments of our history are recollected long generations from now, Newfoundlanders and Labradorians will remember the choice that Prime Minister Harper made  — the choice to stand beside our people in advancing Muskrat Falls.”

So the deal is - it's great - it's perfect - best it could be -  and you all are gonna like it. The new communication strategy has begun. Sounds exactly like the last communication strategy - tell everybody is good and therefore it will be.

So the first quote tells us that we can bank on stable electricity rates. Okay stable - but how high?

The second - the no resource untapped beauty - sure we will tap all our resources but not for our benefit - that's the problem and she certainly has placed our future in bedrock - buried, stuck, sinking.

And as for the third one - the "long generations from now" yeah that is going to be a long ways out alright - and by the time we remember Harper for "stand beside our people" our grandchildren will condemn both the Premier and the Prime Minister for this mess. Our Premier took us to the edge of the cliff and the Prime Minister pushed us. Down we went hand in hand. But wait - the Prime Minister had a safety line connected.

Meanwhile Dunderdale sits up on the hill she so abruptly shut down - while still under a cloak - and bellows to the people beneath her, "this is really good for you, it is really really good for you, it's good really, look at the really really good work we are doing."

New Communication? No - just the drive to ram this project through at whatever cost.

As for the Opposition parties - they have been left to watch our people suffer - without a dime to do anything about it. Gee it sure will be great to become the government a decade from now. Dunderdale, Williams, and Martin long gone - and our revenues with them.

It turns my stomach to even watch the news - the discussion of this project makes me physically ill. The lengths to which the hidden masters will go to own everything and when not owning control the development of everything - is really unmatched in mature democracies.

As for the Federal Government - sure it's a great deal they gave us right? Just like the rest of the things they have done for Newfoundland and Labrador.

1 comment:

Don Jackman said...

Dunderdale did not impress anyone with this announcement. She had trouble reading it so I doubt very much if she wrote it. She is only reading what someone else has told her. Dunderdale has lost control of her ship. Take a look on Facebook at the site that was recently added, "Aquaculture-the inside story" and this will also show the lack of respect that they show for us here in the Coast of Bays. Big announcements are all they are interested in and not how their decisions affects the voters of this province.