Sue's Blog

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Danny Williams Flashbacks Energy Flashbacks

How are we doing now? All energy deals? How does Muskrat stack up?
Globe and Mail March 2006


Not only is Mr. Williams seeking equity in and higher royalties from the Hebron project, he said the province will demand more control and participation in all future energy deals, specifically, a refinery or processing plant to bring jobs and stability to areas outside of St. John's, where unemployment rates are chronically stuck in the double digits. 
Mr. Williams doesn't think his demands are unreasonable. 
"What I'm saying is: Give us some long-term employment," Mr. Williams said in an interview at his St. John's office. "Then we can have a sustainable industry that is not just boom or bust. Project in, project out." 
"So let's create some evenness. Let's create some stability."

or how about these gems? Globe and Mail March 2006

'This province has been perceived as a province that's down and out. Well, not any more. We're not used to surpluses, but we better get used to it.'

'We will not burden our grandchildren with the consequence of our own actions.'

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

those 2 ghosts from our past will continue to haunt us for decades to come...line your own hell with the rest of them...the Progressive Conservative way!!!!!!!and now they're trying to have the PC lacky cathy Bennett leading the's time for this bunch to go...