Sue's Blog

Monday, August 12, 2013

Tracey's Disgraces - The Roads to Aquaculture and Energy

Somebody is going to be killed on these roads.

The routes to Harbour Breton and Hermitage are framed with majestic hills, mountains, and fjords but they are also wrought with danger.

This is equally true of the Bay d'Espoir Highway in general.

The path to aquaculture "riches" and hydro "gold" are a disgrace for MHA Tracey Perry and a tell tale of what happens to those communities adjacent to resources. Labrador is living proof that St. John's Metro (the heart of government) continues to refuse fair and equal benefits to those living in rural communities and the Big Land.

So Ms. Perry I have decided to show the rest of the province exactly what livyers on the South Coast are subject to and the blatant disregard for safety your government shows to people living in these communities.

Heading out of Hermitage (Route 364) toward Route the Bay d'Espoir Highway (Route 360) we give witness to some of the absolute perils for heavy equipment; fish trucks, construction equipment, and tractor trailers.

Here we see a massive stone and gravel truck heading down a steep hill - on the wrong side of the road - to avoid a shoulder which is deteriorated. Picture this with a car coming the other way in the icy winter months.

Next I will show you shots of the Route to Harbour Breton (Route 360)  and Hermitage (Route 364) - the first few of which will show you the beautiful scenery and the massive inclines and declines one must drive - followed by photos of highway conditions.

This goes on and on - up and down the mountain passes - trucks and cars trying not to get knocked over a cliff. Unacceptable. Tourism - I don`t think so - yet anywhere else in the world this would be a haven for those interested in natural beauty.


Anonymous said...

You see Ms Perry and to all the readers, this is what we, the residents of this area have been living with and driving over for many years. We have a great industry but the infrastructure (what infrastructure?) is totally gone. WELL DONE SUE.

Anonymous said...

I spent a few weeks in Bay d'Espoir last summer and was terrified while driving at night. It was a struggle to watch the sides of the road for moose, and at the same time to stare directly at the road to look for potholes that could seriously damage my vehicle. It would be lovely to see the road fixed. It's clearly unsafe for many reasons, and adds significantly to the wear and tear on vehicles.

Anonymous said...

Everyone knows that Newfoundland ends at Whitbourne Junction as far as the Government and St.John's is Concerned.

Shawn Tibbo said...

Route 410, Rte 414 and the other highways on the Baie Verte Peninsula are in deplorable conditions also. This was discussed with the Government over the last 10years but only to recieve 3km of pavement on Rte 414. The last 15kms before entering La Scie is worst than what is depicted by the pictures in your blog. Some of the causes for this along with neglect has been the steady stream of tractor trailers transporting fish to various plants on the island(an entirely different issue yet equally, if not, more important) and a steady stream of trucks transporting ore to the Nugget Pond Milling facility from the Rambler mine site.

Anonymous said...

I lived in st. John's for 8 years and when asked where I was from, very few know where the Hr. Breton area is. Most don't know any places past Butterpot Park. Sad but true.

Anonymous said...

I took my cousin to the hospital late one night with chest pains. It was a struggle to watch the sides of the road for moose, and at the same time to stare directly at the road .i hit a potholes and seriously damage my vehicle that cost me $1800.00 to fix. It would be lovely to see the road fixed. It's clearly unsafe for many reasons, and adds significantly to the wear and tear on about time for our MHA to get of her ass and do something about this problem.

Rossstrickland said...

nd Hundreds of millions of wealth is created from Hydro electricitiy in Bay d' Espoir and and over one hundred million dollars created in the aquaculture and the regular fishery on the Connaigre penisula and the Bay d' Espoir area. The area deserves much better highway system. The main highway was originally designed for low levels of traffic and cannot support the increase in traffic due to the booming economy in the region without continually maintaining it. To start with the shoulders of the highway need to be widen for safety reasons and the pavement needs to be redone. The present government is the wealthiest ever in Nfld history and we have A MHA from the area so this is the best of should be..but it is not the case we are going backwards in regards to highways and infrastructure. As far as the side streets go in my community of Milltown it is something you would find in a third world country. The street I live on is a mixture of patches of pink stone, patches of grey stone and patches of pavement and the rest of the street is made up of potholes and washouts and also all the trenches are almost level with the road. The street is an eyesore. We deserve better.

Anonymous said...

Roads are like that all across the province leading to small outport places. Nothing but holes,and pavement completely gone. The government don't care about the condition of the roads and knowing that it is a danger issue as well no more than they care about people's safety. But, if it was a road going to and in St.John's it would be done as soon as possible as if St.John's was the only place on the Island. Or the government would simply take thousands of dollars and give it to t.V shows and put it in other places instead of fixing what they own and making the place look better. We have no government as far as I concern cuz they sure don't act like it. And the MHA's are all alike only there to get in for the money. Shame on the government. How can you sleep at night knowing that thses roads are so bad as they are and knowing its a danger issue? Guess ya don't.

Anonymous said...

I have road pictures of the St. Alban's area that would make your draw drop. There are so many elderly people living near my grandparents. Sooner or later somebody is going to break a hip.

Anonymous said...

Here is an example on Bauline Line in Bauline. Yes that's right 10 minutes outside St. John's the infrastructure is failing. I can't figure out why they want to drive all the people of the island to the avalon, when they can't even take care of its Basic infrastructure.
To put this in context there would be anywhere between 40-50 dump trucks per day driving over this pavement. Due to their stability its difficult drive over the surface and they use the oncoming lane going into a blind turn.

Nikki said...

I'm from Hermitage and It's embarrassing beyond belief to drive over that highway with anyone. I go home only once a year if necessary, not that I don't want to go back home and see my relatives, but I cannot afford to be fixing our car after each trip. It's disgusting how much money goes to fixing up cars that have to drive that highway, the transport trucks that go over it either go off the road more time than they should be, or putting other off the road. There's pot holes ducks can live in, which are deadlier in the rain, ruts, shit patch jobs, and deteriorating shoulders. Some places have no guard rails either! It pisses me off so much that the government don't give a shit about the safety of drivers who depend on that road and only focus' on what development they can slap down the South Coast to make more money. Get your shit together Perry & whoever else got there fingers in the bank account.

Anonymous said...

I agree ,the highway is terrible .I remember going home a few yrs ago and there is a sign just when you get on the highway that states rough section next so many kms (I cant remember the number) that is a joke cause none of the highway is fit to drive on .Maybe some 0f the government should drive over it .

Paul Malone said...

I am from St.John's, and have had to drive down there twice, in 2 seperate cars. both times i have made it back to st.john's, but worry due to the multiple sounds and noises that begin as soon as you hit one hole on this "highway". a for it to be called a highway, is a disgrace. The dirt roads in town are better than this highway. But its very sad to say, even with this post and the multiple people talking about it numerous times, nothing will be done about it for at least another 5-10 years. Thats our goverment at its finest, make it last until they are pretty much called out in front of confedration building. keep hiding in your offices doing nothing about it, disgusting if you ask me. Everyone needs to stop paying taxes out there until something is done, maybe then they will notice you.

Anonymous said...

I recently moved to Hr. Breton; my car was in mint condition before I moved here, now it has to be repaired every time I make a trip over the highway. The road is not fit to ride a horse on let alone drive a car. Route 360 should not be called a HIGHWAY, it's more like a back trail. Maybe it's time for the government members to drive their expensive cars here for a month or two, that might give them some idea of what the tax payers have to deal with on a daily basis.

Anonymous said...

I must agree with all that the roads are a safety concern. First and foremost thanks to all our Ambulance drivers for doing sure a wonderful job driving the bay highway. Life doesn't exit outside of the Avalon! Highways department is not going a good a very job in keeping these dangerous potholes fixed. Also, in the winter the potholes are even worst. We should all submit car damages bills to our MHA?

Anonymous said...

Please. .. lets get sone media attention to this item,,,, lets get petitions on the go.Action speaks louder than words