Sue's Blog

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Dangerous highways and roads in Newfoundland and Labrador

Since posting

Tracey's Disgraces - The Roads to Aquaculture and Energy 

I have received dozens of emails and comments to the blog on other regions of Newfoundland and Labrador with less than adequate and in most cases outright dangerous roads and highways. 

Let everybody in our province get a visual of your roads and highways. 

Send your emails and pics to 

I will post them on the blog - and you can remain anonymous if you are fearful of repercussion.

Clearly this "have" province has a long way to go before really being able to boast that title. 

A mathematical equation created by Ottawa to direct equalization where it wants is not the same as "real" progress in our province. 

Thanks for all your comments,


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