Sue's Blog

Saturday, August 24, 2013

the Telegram, Pharmacy, Robbery, Government

The Telegram - today's edition deals with the continued violent crimes affecting Newfoundland and Labrador Independent Pharmacies. Barb Sweet interviews an owner and hears first hand the suffering local pharmacies are experiencing due to Government cuts.

One statement in the story reads as follows:

Among the changes announced in the 2013 provincial budget to the Newfoundland and Labrador Prescription Drug Program (NLPDP) was one that forces pharmacies to sell generic drugs at 25 per cent of the cost of brand name or patented drugs at the end of a four-year period.  

This is a factual error the cuts to 25% of brand have already occurred. There have been 5 cuts in one year. There was no time to absorb the cuts or try to find ways to remain viable.

The government ignored the Dr. Locke report on pharmacy and ignored the numerous attempts by local pharmacy organized under the Council of Independent Pharmacy Owners to meet with officials, Ministers and the Premier. This has gone on for 5 years.

The robberies are horrific and this essential community service is under constant threat.

Owners and employees have no idea what to expect anymore - other than more of the same.

The government's insistence not to recognize the CICPO means a majority of independent owners continue to be ignored as government tries to do its bidding with an association which represents all pharmacists - not pharmacies.

At a time when the population is aging and governments are looking for ways to save - the local pharmacy is one of the few options available to it. Their attitude toward the CICPO and its members has been nothing more than disrespectful.

When all failed and CICPO members became involved in the last election campaign - the government got worse. They punished.

Make no mistake - Kathy Dunderdale and Susan Sullivan are making it very tough for independent pharmacies to survive - and apparently they don't really give a damn.

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