Sue's Blog

Wednesday, August 07, 2013

Ross Reid - bringing down another PC Party?

Yesterday - the big announcement from the White House on the Parkway - Ross Reid becomes new Chief of Staff for Premier Dunderdale.

More curious - however - were his duties in the "new" role.

Rossie is apparently going to play a "key role in policy development".

Is that what a Chief of Staff does?

How about Rossie has always been involved in policy and has been involved in much of the mess this government has produced?

He moves smoothly from politician to democracy fighter to "adviser" to Williams/Dunderdale - then pops out of his job - we pay him for - to run election campaigns - then hops back to a government position again. Well now he is the Chief of Staff - what will that mean to us - the people who pay his salary?

1. Select and supervise (control) staff?
2. Control access to the Premier's office? that should be good...
3. Manage communications and flow of information? kind of like a Bill 29 human back-up
4. Negotiate with different departments - or external groups to achieve Dunderdale's agenda? (protect the Muskrat Falls development)

Rossie is now at the beck and call of the Premier? My guess he's running the place and has been for a while. The question is will Rossie use his experience in "allegedly" helping to democratize regimes such as Afghanistan - to allow democracy back in our province?

Please advise us - Madame Premier - Queen of the Muskrat - what has Ross Reid done for the past decade and what will he be doing differently now? Details please...

For people like Kent and Lane - Reid's new title might bring them brief but needed hope that their parties death may have been greatly exaggerated and for the ladies in waiting Shea and Sullivan - Ross may provide a brief relief from the Premier's busy social agenda  (Garden parties - where they present and restate already committed dollars, festivals where they can sing their own praises, BBQ's where the roasting is more friendly, or travelling the world in search of Waldo).

Rossie's Policies - that has the potential to be an ward winning election jingle - Perhaps VOCM could have one of the talk shows sponsored by Rossie's Policies.

Perhaps the people who elected Bonnie Hickey knew something I didn't know at the time. Perhaps they knew the real Ross Reid - perhaps they knew he should have gone away with the Mulroney PC's. He was at one time the "advisor" to Mulroney right? Perhaps Ross can become "National Director" of the NL PC's? Perhaps Ross can be part of another destruction of a Progressive Conservative Party? Not to worry with people like Kent, King, and Kennedy  the CARP (Conservative Alliance Reform Party) of NL might be right around the corner. Maybe Len Simms can play the "MacKay" role this time round.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The same old bunch of ex-bureaucrats and politician who get appointed over and over to plum positions. They are the ones who have been shafting the province of Newfoundland and Labrador forever from benefiting from its own "Raw" Natural Resources and Great Strategic Location. They have aided and abetted Ottawa in having its way on where our natural resources were utilized so as to create the greatest positive impact for Canada, while their own province suffered from lack of any appreciable economy.