Sue's Blog

Friday, July 26, 2013

What was John Ottenheimer talking about?

Okay let's go a step further.

After the signing of the 1999 GWAC agreement between CFLCo - which was refused release by government at the time for: "Commercial agreements such as those among Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro, CF(L)Co and Hydro-Quebec are confidential. If released, they could compromise ongoing negotiations between Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro and Hydro-Quebec related to the Gull Island development. Commercial agreements of this magnitude cannot be negotiated in public."

Then Minister Paul Dicks alluded to John Ottenheimer's concerns which were:
 "It is most inaccurate for Mr. Ottenheimer to suggest that the new Shareholders’ Agreement gives control to Hydro-Quebec, "Mr. Dicks said. "If Mr. Ottenheimer had inquired, he would have found out that Hydro-Quebec previously had many of these rights under previous contractual agreements and the laws of the Canadian Business Corporations’ Act. The Shareholders’ Agreement, which was executed in 1999, serves to recognize many of these rights that were already held by Hydro-Quebec."

Oh yes - the entire Tory caucus had issues with this GWAC/Shareholders Agreement. They had issues regarding control of our energy future under this 1999 agreement.

Dicks also said: there is no circumstance where Hydro-Quebec could gain control over CF(L)Co or dilute Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro’s ownership interest from the current 65.8 per cent.

Yup - that's true but the concern was of management control not actual ownership.

Where have all those concerns gone? 

What did Quebec get by providing and additional 2 billion dollars of revenue for our hydro - over the life of the contract? What did they get. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can only say we unsuspectingly elected an inept and corrupt bunch of politicians in our province over the past 64 years. We were blindfolded because of the shielding of information from our eyes and ears from government enactments like Bill 29, but, now we know, what are we going to do about it?