Sue's Blog

Thursday, August 15, 2013

MHA Brazil's Oversight - another Red Flag

Tory oversights of which Dave Brazil owns the most recent must cause all people of Newfoundland and Labrador to pause.

In Canada right now we have a Senate mess that has some files referred to the RCMP, Senators repaying hundreds of thousands of dollars, the PM's former Chief of Staff cutting a personal cheque to cover Duffy (a Tory Senator), and hundred's of thousands of tax payer dollars spent to audit the oversights, omissions, falsehoods, half-truths, and possible criminal behavior of some of our Upper Chamber. The House of sober second thought has become the House of drunken spending.

Not too long ago we had Steve Kent apologizing on YouTube for his failure to achieve complete information on the Boy Scouts situation before commenting publicly about what he said were "facts".

Then there is the accidental expropriation of what has been called the entire community of Grand Falls - Windsor under the then Minister now Premier Kathy Dunderdale.

And who can forget the stream of MHA's led away in handcuffs for stealing from the people of Newfoundland and Labrador.

The Peter Penashue fiasco still resonates in the Big Land. Oversight - Oversight - Oversight

So now we have Brazil who violated the Member's Code of Conduct apologizing for yet another OVERSIGHT.

So then ask yourself - is it it any way possible that there has been any oversight in this Muskrat Falls deal. Is it in any way possible that serious mistakes have been made and missed? In ten years will we be hearing yet again that it was just an oversight - I apologize.

Lack of an escalation clause in the Upper Churchill agreement was an oversight - how many billions has that cost?

And last but not least Bill 29 - The oversight Bill. Because we can't see things means Cabinet gets a future pass to claim oversight. 

Sorry - there are too many red flags to proceed with this deal on Muskrat Falls.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree with you 100 percent. How many oversites are we going to pay for?