Sue's Blog

Monday, September 25, 2017

A.C.T.I.O.N versus philosophical discussion

The combined collection of material from those opposed to Muskrat Falls is starting to become a file that ends up on a shelf to collect dust.

There are enough reasons to demand the immediate shut down of the project and the immediate start-up of a forensic audit.

This will not be accomplished through this blog, any other blogs, tweets of discontent, letters to the editor, or calls to a radio program.

The only way to accomplish this is to provide new leadership - now. The coming together of people for a common goal - regardless of their past political stripes or non-stripes.

Being right is not a happy place right now. Many of us were right in our past assessments of Muskrat Falls. It is actually miserable to be right and will remain so until some real change occurs.

Dwight Ball - Danny Williams and the elite making a killing off this project and have thick skin with respect to keeping this "boondoggle" going. 

They do not fear repercussion - Danny's already out of politics and Dwight will soon be. The Corporate elite just want to keep taking our money and the money of our kids and grand-kids and great grand kids The debt, the burden, and the mess will remain long after they are deceased from old age - unless we stop it now.

A - alliance of like minded people
C - coordination of action required
T - target the politicians who want to be re-elected
I - imminent understanding that they will be thrown from office at next election
O - onslaught of activities designed to raise awareness and participation
N - network with people from all around Newfoundland and Labrador

I like George Murphy - always have. Right now he is encouraging all of us to write the PUB to protest the Hydro proposed increase. It is an action and it will be felt - however this will not rid us of the burden - it will simply shift the debt from the ratepayer to the taxpayer. We need action to rid us of Muskrat Falls and do what we can to mitigate losses.

So the day of action is here. Who is going to stand up and join with others to provide leadership and a future for Newfoundland and Labrador?

The taxpayers of Newfoundland and Labrador cannot afford the burden of a 30 billion dollar debt. This is what successive governments have done to us - and we are allowing it.

Demand the immediate cessation of Muskrat Falls until a complete forensic audit and financial investigation is complete on the project to date. Then we can look at what alternatives and choices we have. Anything short of that is philosophical discussion that nets us nothing more than an historical record of misery - just like the Upper Churchill.  

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