Sue's Blog

Monday, August 19, 2013

Drinking and Driving pays - that's the problem!

It is sad that a tragic and avoidable event precipitates me to write again on drinking and driving.

A young man, a motorcyclist had his life cut terribly short by a deadly collision this past weekend.

A 67 year old man - the driver of the other vehicle has been charged with impaired driving causing death.

Rightfully this man is presumed innocent - and it is not up to the general public to convict him before due process.

What we can do - however- is talk about drinking and driving and the tragic consequences caused by individuals who have no regard for an other's life.

So what's the problem then?

This happens day after day, week after week, month after month in our country- despite the countless needless deaths of others.

1. There should be a review of and amendment to penalties for drinking and driving.

2. As a society we should consider zero tolerance - meaning if you drink at all - regardless of the amount - it is illegal to drive.

3. Most importantly - don't allow this:

The Premier of British Columbia in 2003 is the person who owns the mugshot above. Gordon Campbell's blood alcohol level  was twice the legal limit at .149 when stopped by police.

Did he resign as Premier? No!

He was caught in Hawaii - not in Canada - in Hawaii it's a misdemeanor in Canada it's a criminal code offence.

He could have killed somebody - fortunately that did not happen.

He was stopped because he was speeding and swerving on the road. He had to prop himself up and had slurred speech. 

Let's make matters worse - Gordon Campbell was appointed by Stephen Harper to the diplomatic post of Canada's High Commissioner in London. That comes with a title of "His Excellency".

If he was caught in Canada - and pleaded no contest - what would have happened?

Do you think he has been punished for his mistake?

Do you think this sends the wrong message to those who would drink and drive?

This is the biggest problem.

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