Sue's Blog

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Dunderdale Spin does not add up!

Nothing worse than waking up in the morning - and hearing Premier Dunderdale on the CBC Morning Show discussing how we - the people - will thank her in time.

The Premier and Co. really believe we are ignorant - almost beyond hope - and she like any concerned parent will guide us through the haze.

This patronizing drone is worse than annoying and condescending - it is dangerous.

If Dunderdale believes she must parent us versus serve us - then she is delusional.

The latest spin from DJ Reid is the low polling has nothing to do with Muskrat Falls. The Premier - as the "point" person of the party - claims the absolute collapse of the polls has to do with laying off 1000 people.

First - the destruction of faith in this government began long before this budget. Second - it absolutely has to do with Muskrat Falls as more and more information has been coming out by opponents to the deal. Finally the fact that Don Mills of CRA and the Premier are protesting too much - that it is absolutely NOT Muskrat Falls.

I say that it absolutely is Muskrat Falls and the damage to the party fortunes initiated shortly after the last election - when the deal was discussed in greater detail.

The Dunderdale government has spent a fortune getting study after study produced to verify that Nalcor and government are right on the development. Unfortunately it is becoming more and more obvious that the "independent" reports paid for by Nalcor and Government (us) were restricted and essentially mathematical recalculations of the sums already provided.

The government and/or PC Party did an untold number of polls (unreleased) on the subject and only released one when they eked over a majority of the population. The poll itself could be challenged - but that's a waste of time - as historical data on weak support exists - else the exercise of advertised brainwashing would have been a waste of money.

In my opinion - the greatest fear of Kathy and her handlers is that Muskrat dissent will become more vociferous in light of the disastrous poll results - and they might actually be politically forced to stop it.

The 5 or 6 people/corporations standing to actually make a tonne of money here will do anything to prevent that from happening.

There is no way a government polling this low can justify spending $24,000 for every child - woman - man in Newfoundland and Labrador - on one project - during one term in office. 240  - hundred dollar bills for us all - not a chance.

Spending at one time an equivalent of more than our debt - accumulated since 1949. Over 60 years - of spending and debt - Dunderdale wants to do for one project.

Considering the Premier and her government are clearly in third place of three - and considering that she and her Ministers and Backbenchers believe the poll has nothing to do with Muskrat - why not hold a referendum on Muskrat? What does the Premier and her government have to lose?

The people deserve a clear and specific say on the expenditure of this much money and particularly because it's a hydro resource.

The truth is plain to see - the people of this province are afraid of this deal - afraid of the impacts - afraid of the future ramifications.

Imagine the polling results if Dunderdale and Co. had done the honourable thing and funded opponents of the deal to present equally funded research and associated public relations and advertising for the findings.

The Muskrat Falls development must be stopped.

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