Sue's Blog

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Trudeau will be the next PM

The timing is right and Justin Trudeau has his homework done. I predict he will become the next Prime Minister of Canada.

Here are the factors:

1. Harper is destroying Canada as a right wing fanatic.

2. Mulcair will not solidify but rather he will confuse the NDP base.

3. Quebec support of NDP will shift to Trudeau.

4. Trudeau's message is simple, genuine, and achievable: my father left me with a beautiful country and I want to do the same for my children.

5. He has political smarts.

6. He will get the necessary hype from the media.

7. He dominates the social networks meaning youth will vote in numbers unseen before.

8. He has the generational attraction from the 50 plus who adored his father.

9. He is a Liberal in the true sense of the philosophy.

10. He will attract Canadians who enjoy seeing Canada as a respected global leader.

11. He will attract Canadians who want their politicians to stay out of the bedrooms of the nation.

12. He will attract Canadians who want their universal health care system enhanced not dismantled.

13. He will attract Canadians who are disgusted with Americanization of the country.

14. He will attract Canadians who want to see peacekeeping not war making.

15. He looks young but has a wealth of experience. Fresh, vibrant, energetic, and honest.

16. The media will enjoy accessibility - something stripped by Harper. This will result in mass media attention.

17. Strong but not as central dominated government as his father supported.

18. Arts and Culture will return to the fore.

19. Environmental prowess linked with industrial opportunities.

20. His innate sense of equality for all peoples. 

As for winning the Party leadership - yes - because Liberals are looking for somebody who can win.


Jerome said...

I believe Stephen Harper is rubbing his hands in glee with the prospect of the Left being split.
After all, Harper is dead in Quebec and anything that will take seats from the New Democrats, is welcome news to Harper.

Anonymous said...

Very atlantic canadian view, Trudeau has no support west of ontario, will never have any, he will just split the vote between liberal and ndp in eastern ridings, harper will come up the center. The west has the money and money always has control.

Pierre Neary said...

I agree with the prediction on Trudeau.