Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Drunk Driving Ex-Premier Cooks Expense Claims?

On June 24th Sue's Blog posted the following:

If one wants to get Stephen Harper's attention, respect, and support do three things:

Drink and Drive, increase taxes for ordinary Canadians and be at your lowest political popularity .

For all the anti-crime, longer prison sentences, and making criminals pay - Stephen Harper apparently will have no problem appointing a convicted drunk driver to the lofty post of High Commissioner to Britain.

Media reports today suggest that Harper is ready to announce the Gordon Campbell position.

Mug Shots Hawaii 
At two times the legal alcohol limit in Hawaii - former BC Premier Gordon Campbell - looks happily under the influence in his mug shots.

So if that qualification for such a title is not enough - add the fact that when the Premier resigned - he did so after he mislead the people on his party's plans relative to the previous election on HST. His popularity plummeted among the voting public.

Well done - so I guess Harper believes in rehabilitation - and if they complete a program - they too can become a foreign official.

For instance perhaps all those rioters in BC could follow the path of Campbell and rise to the top of society in just a few short years. 

And best of all - because Harper is appointing a former Liberal - the convict appointment will be non-partisan.

So for those families who have had their lives changed forever by a drunk driver - what do you think?

For Stephen Harper - breaking the law, misleading the electorate, or just lying are great attributes for high posts.


So Liar Harper went ahead with this appointment - clearly sending a "tough on crime" message - and now word comes that High Commissioner Campbell has expense issues in his new post.

"Foreign Affairs Canada has altered an online record of hospitality expense claims for the high commissioner to the United Kingdom, Gordon Campbell, citing “clerical errors.”
The revised reports, posted on the department’s website under proactive disclosure rules, cut the top diplomat’s claims in half — from the original $67,296 posted to the current $33,975.
At least six dinners and receptions were either eliminated or reduced after a report on CBC News Network’s Power & Politics detailed how Campbell’s claims were nearly three times more than those of any other Canadian ambassador posted abroad." Please read the complete CBC report HERE

Stephen Harper is a liar and further continues to demonstrate extremely poor judgement at best and preferential treatment of the elite at worst. Throw this bum out. Please Gordon Campbell - resign - you have not learned your lesson yet and the taxpayers continue to pay for it.

1 comment:

Phil Edwards said...


Thanks for your posts! I look forward to reading many more.

Phil E.

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